CHAPTER 49. Searching for the truth

CHAPTER 49. Searching for the truth

Zack stood there, fists and teeth clenched. His expression was a mix of anger, frustration, and pain.

For a moment, he was speechless. He was furious and hurt by the way Andrea had taken the blame for an affair that had never happened. She had assumed responsibility for both of them, and the thought of his family thinking badly of her enraged him.

—Did you get me drunk and take advantage of me?—he growled, pressing her against him, feeling her shiver.—Why did you take that blame?

Zack felt his ears ringing with rage. Not against Andrea, of course, but against the whole situation that had pushed them to the brink of a family collapse.

—Because it was necessary! Didn’t you see how your dad was looking at you?

Zack gritted his teeth in frustration.

—That was my problem, Andrea! I should have fixed it, not you!—he exclaimed.—Do you have any idea what my family will think of you? What my dad will think of you?

—And who cares what your dad thinks of me!?
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