Todos los capítulos de A BABY FOR CHRISTMAS: Capítulo 41 - Capítulo 50
397 chapters
CHAPTER 41. Just a show
CHAPTER 41. Just a showNo one mentioned the wedding again that night. Andrea smiled, chatted, and played with her daughter, but the Kellers only had to look at Zack's face to know that nothing was going well. Finally, the baby started crying for her bottle, and Andrea asked permission to leave.When Zack entered the room half an hour later, she had already changed and was trying to put the baby to sleep. He ran his fingers through his hair slowly, sitting in front of them on a small stool and trying to catch her eyes."I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that," he murmured, and Andrea looked at him. "I regret what I said, please forgive me."The girl took a deep breath but didn't stop rocking her daughter."There's nothing to forgive, Zack. You didn't say anything that wasn't true," she responded firmly."Yes, I did," he denied with frustration. "You're not my employee, you're my friend...""No, I'm not your friend," she interrupted. "Your friend wouldn't have charged you
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CHAPTER 42. The Worst of All
CHAPTER 42. The Worst of All"That she'll try harder to play her role.""Nope, it's hopeless, you really messed it up.""Mom!" he exclaimed."What do you want me to say?" his mother retorted. "You've only been here three days, and you already lost your girlfriend! That must be a record or something!"Zack took a deep breath, and his mother could feel his desperation. Needless to say, she had never seen him get this worked up over anyone, let alone a mere employee."Do you know what's the worst part?" she heard him murmur. "That now, when she smiles at me, I won't know if it's genuine.""Well... that's what you're paying her for, Zack, to smile at you. If you also want her heart, son... I think you're going to have to steal it, because no one can pay for that," Luana concluded, patting his shoulder.Zack stayed there a while longer, alone, until he rummaged through the drawers for a pair of scissors and took a tub of ice cream from the fridge to bring upstairs. But by the time he got b
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CHAPTER 43. Wake up, Zack!
CHAPTER 43. Wake up, Zack!Andrea stared at the chocolate in her cup as if she could find an answer there while Mr. Nikola waited for her to speak. Why didn't she want to marry Zack? Andrea knew that the answer to that question wasn't easy to explain. She remained silent for a moment, trying to organize her thoughts. Then, she took a deep breath and began to speak."Mr. Nikola... before I met Zack, I was already married."The man in front of her looked surprised for a minute but then his expression softened."I understand. It didn't end well," he murmured."It ended in the most horrible way possible. The truth is, my marriage was a very unfortunate experience. At first, I was very excited about the idea of getting married, I was young and in love. I imagined that marriage would bring me happiness, love, and fulfillment; but nothing could be further from the truth." Andrea sighed, if she had to lie, she would at least do it with a part of the truth. "It has taken a lot of work and ener
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CHAPTER 44. If I say "kiss me"...
CHAPTER 45. If I say "kiss me"..."Nice move!" whispered his mother as she passed by and grabbed a cookie from the tray. "Turns out you're not as dumb as I thought!""Are you crazy? Do you think I burned my hand on purpose?" Zack whispered back."Oh, that was an accident? I take it back, you're as dumb as I thought, but at least make the most of it. Love you, son!"Zack rolled his eyes, but he didn't need to pretend it hurt because it genuinely did. Andrea came back a few minutes later with a first aid kit and pulled his hand out of the cold water, letting it dry a bit before applying some cream. Her touch was soft and sweet, and she had a worried expression that stirred something deep inside Zack because he wanted it to be genuine."All set, this will make you feel better. Let's put some bandages on to help it heal faster," she murmured, and Zack felt a shiver every time she touched him."Thanks," he murmured, watching her smile.After that, he couldn't help much because his dominant
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CHAPTER 45. A Broken Bed
CHAPTER 45. A Broken Bed"And how do you want it?"The question was simple, but he couldn't answer it."Voluntary, sincere, real," Zack thought, but instead, he just took a step back, letting the air flow between them."I can do it myself," he smiled softly, and Andrea left the bathroom, realizing as she closed the door that she was suffocating.She closed her eyes for a moment and sat on the edge of the bed. He was very handsome, literally sexy enough to take her breath away, but she couldn't afford to fall for him.But it was difficult! Especially when the damned man came out of the bathroom, half dripping water over all those tattoos."Can you help me with the shirt?" Zack asked innocently, and Andrea nodded because he had already done the hardest part, which was putting on his pajama pants.But putting on his shirt meant touching him, and touching him anywhere seemed dangerous because Andrea felt warmer than ever.Lying in that bed was a challenge, but the truth was she was so exh
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CHAPTER 46. I’m really sorry.
CHAPTER 46. I’m really sorry.Zack's hand had improved a lot; despite the pain, the burns were minor. Still, he took advantage of the situation so Andrea would have to pamper him in every possible way. Having her so close was maddening. Zack didn't understand when this woman had started causing him such stress, but it was simple: wanting what he couldn't have. And though he didn't know when he began wanting her for himself, desiring her in that way, it had become impossible not to turn his head every time she changed clothes.“Can I choose your dress?” Zack murmured, watching Andrea pick out what she would wear for the baby's baptism.There were four days left until Christmas, and the family had decided to move the celebration up. They would baptize Adriana in the town church and then have a beautiful party at the house. They would celebrate Christmas Eve just with the family.“Sure,” Andrea murmured, and Zack chose a beautiful navy blue dress that matched the color of her eyes.“Do y
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CHAPTER 47: Guilt and Lies (I)
CHAPTER 47: Guilt and Lies (I)Zack wanted the ground to open up and swallow him right then and there. How or why that woman was there, he didn't know, but he was sure it meant nothing good for him.Andrea saw his face darken in an instant, and Zack's arm wrapped around her waist as he leaned in close."What's happening?""Nothing good, Sweetie," he growled, and Andrea saw the twins enthusiastically talking to the newcomer."Who is she?" she asked softly but then remembered that Zack didn't usually bring women home, so she wasn't just any ex; she was "the ex."Zack sighed, knowing he had to tell her."That's Giselle," he said quietly.Andrea stayed silent for a moment and then spoke."You were right, your sisters weren’t going to stay calm," she murmured. "They had enough imagination to bring her here. Are you afraid she'll cause a scene?"Zack nodded. He had never feared this moment because there was no reason for his family to meet Giselle. After all, they lived on opposite ends of
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CHAPTER 48: Guilt and Lies (II)
CHAPTER 48: Guilt and Lies (II)—But he did cheat on me!—Giselle snapped.—Spit out your dignity before you choke on it!—Andrea hissed, confronting her.—If he cheated on you, it’s because he learned it from you! Stop saying you lost your baby; you didn’t lose it, you aborted it, that’s why Zack left you!—That’s a lie!—That’s what your doctor will say when asked, or at least it’s what appears in your medical insurance papers, Planned Abortion with emphasis on the word Planned. So don’t play the victim; it doesn’t suit you.—He was my boyfriend! And you, you slut, slept with him and got pregnant!—the woman yelled.—Enough, Giselle!—Zack growled fiercely, pulling her away from Andrea.—It’s true! I did all of that, but it was my doing. Zack had nothing to do with it. He only did the right thing by taking responsibility for the baby, nothing more,—Andrea murmured, seeing the frustration and helplessness on Zack's face, but at least his father’s face had relaxed noticeably.—All this is m
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CHAPTER 49. Searching for the truth
CHAPTER 49. Searching for the truthZack stood there, fists and teeth clenched. His expression was a mix of anger, frustration, and pain.For a moment, he was speechless. He was furious and hurt by the way Andrea had taken the blame for an affair that had never happened. She had assumed responsibility for both of them, and the thought of his family thinking badly of her enraged him.—Did you get me drunk and take advantage of me?—he growled, pressing her against him, feeling her shiver.—Why did you take that blame?Zack felt his ears ringing with rage. Not against Andrea, of course, but against the whole situation that had pushed them to the brink of a family collapse.—Because it was necessary! Didn’t you see how your dad was looking at you?Zack gritted his teeth in frustration.—That was my problem, Andrea! I should have fixed it, not you!—he exclaimed.—Do you have any idea what my family will think of you? What my dad will think of you?—And who cares what your dad thinks of me!?
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CHAPTER 50. I'm Not a Prince
CHAPTER 50. I'm Not a PrinceAndrea felt her breath quicken as Zack used those wet fingers to grip her face.—Your body can’t lie to me, Andrea...—he hissed, kissing her possessively, and a second later, those huge hands were gripping her ass to lift her against the wall—. You want this as much as I do...Andrea shivered at his words. She knew she couldn’t deny it, knew she had wanted him for a long time, and now the fire between their bodies was about to explode. She nodded, unable to speak, as his large hand made its way between her thighs, and when he touched her again, she felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her.—Say it, Andrea—Zack growled, his eyes gleaming—. I want you to say it...Andrea bit her lip to stifle a moan, feeling lust coursing through her veins. She was so turned on that the thought of denying it seemed impossible.—Yes...—she nodded through clenched teeth, feeling Zack’s body react—. I do want it...He kissed her eagerly, holding her against his chest, and
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