Chapter 28 – Princess Liyah

When Scott and Bethany arrived at the Arabian Embassy, the place was already full. There was a mixture of guests using Arabian outfits and occidental clothes. Scott had chosen a dark blue suit and as soon as they entered the place he got many admiring looks from girls. Bethany was dressing a light-yellow dress that floated around her softly. Her black high heel shoes made her look almost as tall as her brother.

The place had many chandeliers that gave it the elegance and importance that the occasion requested. There were flowers everywhere and most of the furniture was even golden or had golden details in it.

“Here is a place I won´t mind coming back to, Bethany.”

“Me neither, Scott. It looks like a movie set.”

“Let´s see if we can find Omar since he is the only one we know here. Maybe he can introduce me to some of these beautiful girls.”

“I am sure he can.” As Bethany said that she felt

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