Chapter 30 – Dating a prince

Omar and Bethany spent all of their free time together. They were discovering the world through each other´s eyes. People threw parties for them, not only because they were the most influential couple in the world but also because their company was the most enjoyable.

They had an excellent taste for clothes, food, drinks, and art. They visited museums in France and art galleries in the south of Spain. They took Michelle to Italy for her birthday and she enjoyed the musicians hired to sing songs that were made inspired by her name.

Scott had already been Omar´s friend from the beginning but now they felt closer because their devotion for Bethany created a new bond between them. The three of them flew together to Australia for an unforgettable adventure trip.

And then there were the royal compromises due to Omar´s status as a prince and the future sheik of his country. Bethany surprised him the first time she had dressed in Arabian clothes for on

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