Chapter 49 – The rescue

Habibdul and his armed men walked in front of the small group. Then Bethany with Ben in her arms and Adjia followed them and Scott was the last one. They arrived at the caves and Bethany thought that they were really ugly.

Everybody was exhausted but then Habibdul summed their feelings with a relieved exclamation.

“Here they are!”

And so it was. Three big helicopters that could fit twenty people each were right ahead waiting for them. Bethany noticed that they were those kinds of military choppers that traveled long distances.

“Are they taking us all the way home, Scott?”

“No. Only to the neighboring country, where we shall take a jet plane. Someone from the embassy is on board to facilitate the permissions.”

“Now I am impressed.”

And she really was. But nothing could have prepared Bethany for the surprise she felt when Michelle came down from one of the choppers.


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