Chapter 47 – Fleeing

Bethany got in touch with her brother and he came to the palace immediately. It was lucky for her that he had not left for one of his trips to the desert. Scott had bought an apartment for himself a few blocks from the bank and the truth is that he was keeping an eye on her since they had found out that Omar´s relatives were thieves and crooks.

So, when he took his sister´s hands and read despair in her eyes, Scott knew that something very serious had happened because Bethany was a strong woman and he had never seen her so distraught.

“Oh, Scott, I am so glad you are here.”

“What is it, little sister?”

And then she told him everything that Khaleb had said to her.

“So he is a murderer, after all.”

“Yes. And he is a coward too. He threatened Ben´s life.”

“The nerve of the man. Where is he now?”

“I don´t know. Why do you ask?”


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