Chapter 29 – A tender goodbye

And within a couple of days, Nancy passed away peacefully in her bed, holding Michelle´s hand in a tender goodbye. It is funny how some people have such a huge heart that the simple fact that they are present bring happiness. That was the case with Nancy. She was a second mother to Scott, there was no doubt about it. Love was natural between them. When Scott returned from some trip, he always had equal presents to Michelle and Nancy. If he chose to give a purse, two identical purses it was. The same for expensive chocolate. Or perfumes. He always bought the same for both of them, but for his sister, Scott had something different, like a bracelet or a cell phone.

It never made Michelle jealous of her son´s love, it showed to her that he had a great heart and valued true love. Nancy had helped Michelle raise him and she supported her younger friend when she faced the hardest challenges of her life.

Bethany didn´t live with Nancy for as long as Scott but

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