Chapter 35 – The matter of the water

Omar was always interested in the matter of the water around the world and he shared his knowledge with his wife.

“Did you know, Bethany, that only six percent of all the water on the planet is potable water?”

“Only six percent?”

“Yes. And there are many pieces of research that show that half of that six percent is already polluted.”

“It can´t be right, Omar.”

“I am afraid it is, my love. We consider water like something precious because we are from the desert and we know how hard it is to have it so scarce. But if people keep polluting the potable waters, the rest of the world will soon join us in this hardship.”

“Isn´t there anything that we can do?”

“We can try. Do you know what is funny? The water is clean and free, to begin with. Then the people pollute it and the cost to clean it again will be around hundreds of millions of dollars for a sm

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