Chapter 36 – End of school, beginning of a new life

Omar, being one year older than Bethany, was also her senior at school. However, she wanted to have the graduation party together and it took an extra effort from her because she advanced many courses in order to be able to do it. Her major was business administration with an emphasis in finance and she loved it. All the calculus and comparisons of charts were natural to her. It was like a second language that she had spoken since grandpa Christopher was alive.

Because the couple went to different colleges, they took part in two graduation ceremonies and the next weekend they had a party at the countryside club, eating barbecue and diving at the swimming pool with their school friends all afternoon.

Then, later that night, Michelle was invited to an intimate dinner at their apartment.

“You both did so well that I am sure no challenge will ever be too great for you.”

“Thanks, mom. It is a sweet thing to say.”

“I second

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