Chapter 37 – Royal wedding

The thing about one royal wedding is that it seems that all the country´s population is celebrating with you and not only the guests. On the day of the ceremony, people went to the streets and as Omar and Bethany rode their car slowly among them on the streets, they threw petals o roses at them and shouted ‘saeada’ to them, which means ‘happiness’.

At the palace, the noise was not smaller. Loud music, laughter, and happy chats were heard all around. The place that was already beautiful was now sparkling with the decorations for the wedding. Trucks and trucks brought in delicious foods that were to be served to the aristocratic and noble guests for a week.

The couple received many hugs and greetings that touched their hearts even more than the Jaguars, Ferraris, diamonds, and gold watches that were among the presents that they received.

When the time for the speeches arrived, people had wonderful things to say about the couple. It wa

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