Chapter 38 – Habibdul and Youssef

For the first function at the palace, Scott had invited Habibdul and Youssef to perform. The caravan supposed to trade coffee suffered a delay and had to come to the city to solve the problem of the baskets that would carry the grains. It gave the perfect chance for Scott to have his best friend singing his songs for his friends and family. The storyteller was Youssef a very old man that had learned great tales from his great-grandfather. He had a sweet smile and a voice that seemed to embrace your soul.

The main garden of the palace was radiant because of dozens of lanterns and candles and the small stage looked very exotic. Comfortable armchairs had been placed all around it.

When the artists appeared onstage everybody greeted them with applause and then there was a respectful silence.

Youssef started to say,

I will tell you the story that a hurt soldier told my great-grandfather while he was trying to mend his wounds. This is the story of the sultan of

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