Chapter 39 – Garden feast

The Sheik Mohamed had doubled his guests for the second storytelling event due to the success of the first one. People were chatting happily and admiring the garden while the artists got ready. They wore colorful clothes that enhanced their act and as soon as they appeared the applause began. People then sat down and paid attention, first to Youssef´s words.

“It is time for me to tell the story of Nazal, the man who cooked at the sultan´s palace. He made delicious dishes and heard many compliments about them. Even if he had received much help to prepare the food, he took the compliments all to himself.

His wife often told him, “Don´t be a fool, you couldn´t have done all that by yourself.”

“But the thing is, I did.”

He didn´t mind lying about it because pride was taking the best of him.

Nazal went as far as fishing for compliments and to accomplish that he sent the kitchen apprentice to as

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