Chapter 40 – The sisters´ tale

By now, a large group invited by the sheik attended the storytelling events. His best friends, authorities, and business partners that happened to be in town in the days of the feast. It is impressive how every tasteful people can appreciate a well-told story.

And Youssef didn´t let them down when he told one of his great-grandpa´s favorite tales.

“Today I will tell you a story I learned when I was only a child:

There were once two sisters, Lalah and Leleeh who married two brothers and lived in neighbor houses.

Leleeh´s husband liked to study and he spent most of his day reading books and papers. They were young when they met and Leleeh expected him to become a respected teacher someday. This idea made her feel superior to her sister and despise her since Lalah´s husband didn´t have patience for books and spent his time trading cheap merchandise such as old clocks or small vases.

Being always outside and in movem

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