Chapter 27 – Young and impatient

The morning after the birthday party, Bethany called John and asked him to join her for lunch in a quiet restaurant near her house because she needed to talk to him about something important.

When she arrived, John was seated by the window, with Dottie and Bernie by each side of him on a large table that could fit ten people.

“Bethany, I am glad that you arrived to hear the best news ever.”

She was a little confused since she was supposed to tell the news not John. And it concerned her intention to break up with him. But he was kind of euphoric, so she just took a seat facing the trio and waited for him to speak.

“My grandparents are coming from the farms. They arrive in two days.”

“And it is an honor because they never leave the farms.”

“That is right, Bernie. But this time they are coming all the way from the south just to meet Bethany.”

“Oh, you are so lucky.” Dotty seemed

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