Chapter 26 – John´s birthday

After that dinner with Omar, Bethany really thought about her feelings. Deep down she knew that he was the other part of herself and she longed to be with him. In a way, she had known it since childhood. These feelings were too precious and rare to be mistaken by anything else. She loved Omar, she belonged to him, and as soon as they started their lives together the better. She felt the same urges as he did.

But there were also her fears. Bethany knew that this marriage would bring an enormous change to her life. And she didn´t know if she was ready for it. One thing was for sure, she knew that she could count on Omar to help her adjust at every step of the way. They would do it together. Their love would be their source of strength and happiness. Bethany took the decision to say yes to Omar because she had zero inclination of allowing her fears to have the last word in the matter.

And then there was John Emeralrock. Oh, how she wished that she hadn´t broug

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