Chapter 25 – A reason to celebrate

On the way to the underground garage, Bethany kept replaying the events of the day. She looked at the enormous mirror inside the private lift and was surprised to see that her face didn´t show how much stress she had felt.

She had wanted to scream at Omar each time he challenged her. But every time she had controlled herself in order to guarantee a high-level presentation of her project.

Why had he made her day so difficult? Was it revenge because she had invented a false boyfriend? But it couldn´t be it, not only because Omar seemed to be amazed by that game, but also because he was extremely serious about business decisions. The newspapers always talked about him as the surgeon-negotiator. She could understand what they meant now.

She felt exhausted and still victorious because even if he had taken her to explore limits and capacities she didn´t even know she had, in the end, she had proved that she was a businesswoman from the Worthgold lineage.


A. C. Mabrano

For you who enjoy romances, I recommend my other book: CEO MEETS MOM. See you there!

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