Chapter 5188
Mark was quite a good actor. He quickly entered his role as if something had really happened at home.

Custard stood as if he was thinking over Mark’s words.

“If you want to cure someone, you can just buy a healing pill at our store and get it done." Custard took a step back and slammed the backyard door shut.

These people were so bad at acting that it was difficult for them to deceive anyone. Since Philip had reminded him to stay on guard, Custard employed the same attitude to any strangers.

Mark could not believe his luck. The kid did not give him a chance at all!

Since his plan failed, Mark decided to grab the kid by force.

“Come out from your hiding. We need to think of a way to get this kid!”

Now that the kid had been alerted, it would be more difficult to get him next.

In the meantime, Niffler decided to find another way to achieve his goal after wandering for a while. It was almost impossible for him to cause trouble in Cosmo City on his own.

In that case, he sh
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