Chapter 5193
Scarlet nodded obediently. Seeing that, Alton hardened his resolve and left.

Soon after that, Cosmo barged into the room. He held a dagger in his hand and wanted to cut this woman into pieces. He simply wanted to kill this woman when he asked for her earlier.

While Alton was away, Cosmo wanted to get it done.

Alton usually targeted ordinary women with little to no practice ability. As a practitioner, it was easy for Cosmo to kill someone.

In fact, he could have killed this woman by stealth, but to fake a scenario of the mistresses competing for favor and killing each other, he decided to use the crudest method.

Scarlet stared in disbelief at the man who suddenly barged in and quickly recognized him. Before Scarlet could say anything, Cosmo rushed over with a dagger and stabbed her in the heart.

An ordinary person would be dead under that attack. Scarlet quickly dodged to avoid the attack. As both were practitioners, the chase went on for a while.

“You're actually such a p
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