Chapter 5192
Alton was surprised that his son did not attend his classes but came here to ruin his fun instead.

Cosmo sneered and said, “The commotion you made attracted my attention!”

Alton felt frustrated at Cosmo’s sarcastic retort.

“Whatever, I’ll just blame it on your youth and ignorance. Don’t say such things again. You should return to your classes right now!” Alton waved his hand in dismissal. He still doted on his son.

“Give me the woman inside,” Cosmo said.

Alton was startled and turned to Cosmo in disbelief.

“What did you say?”

Cosmo stared at his father steadfastly and repeated his request with emphasis, “I said, give me the woman inside.”

Alton was furious.

Not to mention that he was already obsessed with Scarlet, even if she was just a tool for him to vent, she was not someone his son could touch!

“Get out of my sight!” He smacked Cosmo and sent him flying.

Cosmo looked at his father angrily. He had never suffered this treatment before.

“Don’t say such things a
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