Chapter 5195
Before Alton’s arrival, Mark had sent someone to report the situation to Alton, but it seemed he had not heard of it yet.

“As a last resort, I plan to break into the yard and capture the kid by force. That’s the only hope we have. What else can we do if the kid refuses to leave the house?”

Everyone discussed the plan and finally made an important decision. They would kidnap the kid by force. The kid was just an immature teenager and would not understand these plots and grudges.

If they could not lure him out, they could use some special means to trick him into joining them.

The discussion slowly shifted to talking about their children.

“Try and talk to Cosmo nicely. He’s a good kid. Maybe he’s just feeling rebellious. If that doesn’t work, we can think of something else. It’s a mental health issue that has to be addressed in time,” Mark advised Alton in a roundabout way as if he knew something.

Alton was puzzled by Mark’s odd remarks.

“What exactly do you mean? Just spit
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