Chapter 5196
Alton clenched his fists, shocked by his son’s actions.

“He wants Philip to deal with me, there's no doubt about it!” Alton quickly guessed the truth.

He would not hesitate to kill anyone who had second thoughts, but this was his precious son. His only child!

“Yes, we have to kill Philip at once to prevent anything from happening or he’ll lead my son astray!” In Alton's twisted mind, everything was Philip's fault.

Cosmo would never have the crazy thought of getting rid of him if Philip had not brainwashed him. “It’s all his fault. I only have one precious son to inherit the family business. If anything happens, I’ll obliterate him!”

Alton was prepared to do whatever it took to get rid of Philip. Once Treasure House was in his city, he could easily control it.

“I have a plan.”

Alton pulled Mark over for a private discussion.

After Alton changed his mind and decided to kill Philip, Mark was excited. He could take this advantage to gain some benefits too.

Meanwhile, Phil
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