Chapter 5194
Scarlet was surprised that everything went so smoothly. This father and son were so gullible. Scarlet was also proud that the trap she set caused conflicts among many people.

“Let’s see what you can do next, little guy.” Scarlet smiled as Cosmo left. She took another pill to ensure her appearance remained unchanged. She could only gain the trust of others by maintaining this appearance.

Meanwhile, Alton found Mark. At first, he thought he would let Mark take charge, but he was so slow that Alton was getting impatient.

“Have you taken any action? Why haven't I heard anything?” Alton questioned Mark unhappily.

“If you can’t get it done, let someone else do it!” Alton snapped so fiercely that the domestic staff cowered in fear.

Mark sighed and told Alton what happened the other day. At first, he wanted to take this opportunity to capture Philip’s alchemist. Not only did he fail, but he also alerted the enemy. His men were keeping watch at the door but saw no signs of the othe
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