Chapter 5191
Alton could hardly refuse the request and quickly agreed. “No problem, we have a lack of maids in the mayor’s residence anyway. Just follow me.”

Alton’s pretentious attitude made it impossible for anyone to discover his true nature.

Scarlet knew that her plan had succeeded. The two of them left with their own agendas.

The onlookers praised the mayor and thought he was the best man in the world. He was even willing to take the woman in as a maid to take care of her livelihood. Everyone cheered and applauded Alton.

Alton smiled triumphantly and knew that his plan was a complete success.

The two of them quickly hooked up, and Alton was very satisfied with Scarlet. Alton even had the illusion that this was his true love.

With Scarlet's practice during this time combined with the pills she purchased from Philip, Scarlet’s level had reached greater heights. It was easier for her to control Alton now, but the duration was limited.

Faced with the waves of spells, Alton had comple
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