Chapter 5190
Although Alton acted as if he was greeting everyone, only he knew his purpose. As Alton said hello to everyone, he saw a woman selling potatoes on the side. The woman was very pretty and dressed modestly, very vibrant.

She was none other than Scarlet in disguise. Scarlet had met Alton several times before, so she had to put on an act.

As a customer of Treasure House, Scarlet had bought many camouflage pills. It was all thanks to them that she could change her appearance. Otherwise, people would have noticed her long ago.

Alton was pleasantly surprised to see such a beautiful woman. The last beauty who caught his attention was Noelle from Treasure House.

Due to Philip, however, Alton did not express his admiration and simply treated her as an ordinary person. Nonetheless, prolonged interaction made him uncomfortable. It was difficult to control his desire when he could see but not touch.

“Young lady, why are you selling potatoes here all alone?” Alton stepped forward curiously
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