Chapter 8 – Sunny as can be


The ride under the desert sun was not an easy one. That is why Habibdul started very early in the morning and had everybody resting when the sun was stronger. That is when the group would eat and rest. He was a strong leader and everybody trusted him.

From experience, he knew that the animals also needed their rest otherwise they would slow their pace. Owners who forced the animals too much could even make them sick or cause their death.

Scott had hired Habibdul services many times in the past. More than that, they were friends and Scott had confided in him about his hurry to arrive at their destination. But it wasn´t an easy task since they needed to avoid the main roads used by traders for centuries.

Habibdul knew that soon they would be chased by the Sheik´s men, so he had to use his skills to avoid the confrontation. Every night he discussed escape strategies with Scott, who was also an experienced traveler of those lands.

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