Chapter 15 – Desert nights by the fire


Besides singing, another form of entertainment of Bedouin people had been storytelling, for centuries.

In the same way that some people have the gift of singing, dancing, or painting, there were those that could create realistic images in your head through the way they told stories. And there were many topics to be explored, such as treasure hunting, revenge on wrongs, impossible loves to conquer among others.

Bethany noticed that the people in her caravan felt great enthusiasm when someone started telling these great tales of their land. Every three or four days, they would sit by the fire and hear legends from the past, as well as jokes and anecdotes. It made the long trips more bearable.

“Don´t you want to join them to hear some stories, Adjia?”

“No madam, thank you. I prefer to stay with you. Just in case the baby wakes up.”

Ben was reacting well to all the changes in his life. He hadn´t lost his

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