Chapter 14 - The loan and the banker

The main building of the Global Bank of the World was an impressive skyscraper. The facade had the capital letters, GBW, detached in a golden sign.

There was no other way but to face the redoubles Tom had caused her. And in order to do that, Michelle needed to understand her situation in detail. The men that had visited her home were not the ones that had lent the money to Tom. They were simply the employees in charge of collecting the delayed installments.

When she told them that she preferred to visit the bank personally, there was no argument against it. That is why she was here staring at the building and gathering her last drop of courage to go in and face her predicament.

Michelle was surprised to be ushered into the banker´s office. She thought she was going to deal with a manager or an assistant, but Stanley Worthgold himself was shaking her hand and offering a seat in front of his enormous mahogany desk.

“How can I help you, Ms. Clark

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