Chapter 21 – Teenage years

Michelle had made up her mind to provide happy memories for her children because she had experienced pain and strong battles when she least expected. She was thankful for this peaceful period with her beloved children and being so full of energy, Michelle decided to take them to visit the world.

All the effort she had dedicated in negotiating debts she had not made due to Tom´s dishonesty and the hours she had consumed in tribunals because of her father-in-law´s injustice, Michelle would use now to plan wonderful trips for her family.

She started with amusement parks and children´s museums around the world. Bethany owned a bank, so money was not of consequence here.

When they went to the first amusement park, they stayed in a luxurious hotel and dined with characters from the movies they loved. Bethany would be dressed as a princess and Scott would usually dress like the prince charming or some other themed character, only to please her. He was

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