Chapter 13 - Indebted

This time Michelle knew that Tom had gone away for good because he had left her a note that said ‘More than naive, you are a fool. Goodbye!!!’

He had not said a word about Scott. And the goodbye was pretty emphatic. She decided to keep the note, in case he changed his mind and asked for the boy´s custody. So she could prove that he had abandoned his son.

Anyway, she didn´t believe that Tom would want to have his son with him because he had proved his distaste for responsibilities.

Another indication of his intentions of never coming back was that he had taken all his belongings with him. Moreover, the joint bank account showed a withdrawal of all its amount except for three dollars.

But it was not the first time that he had left zero provisions for Michelle and Scott, so she didn´t feel helpless.

One thing surprised Michelle though. She was not as devastated as she thought she would be. Her dreams of a wedding had evap

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