Chapter 11 – Working mom


Mrs. Chairtall had told Michelle how proud she was of the way she was handling a difficult relationship.

She was patient with Tom´s eccentricities and never picked up a fight with him. At all costs, Michelle wouldn´t allow Scott to grow up amid a violent family. Mrs. Chairtall witnessed her struggle to guarantee some reliability for her baby.

When Tom was absent, Michelle had a schedule that she followed with much effort. She would study online every morning, and then do house chores, while Scott was entertained by his favorite TV cartoons. He stayed in his bin with many toys and stuffed animals. In case he got tired of TV and asked for his mommy, Michelle would pick him up and play with him, or share some fruits and milk. He liked to fill her mouth with food and since she made funny faces to him, Scott laughed a lot on such occasions.

Before lunch, she took him to the park, which he loved. Tom had got him used to this, which Michelle co

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