CHAPTER 57. "I need you to tell me,"

CHAPTER 57. "I need you to tell me,"

Zack felt his heart leap into his throat as the car approached. It was too late to stop. It was too far to reach her. He couldn't even find his voice to shout. The car hit her hard, and Andrea fell to the ground. Screams were heard, and Zack ran to her. He saw her blink slowly, dazed, but he didn't let her move. Behind him, someone called an ambulance, and soon her mother was by her side.

"What happened, Zack?!"

"I don't know, Mom, I was going to get Adriana, and suddenly... she didn't look, she just... didn't look when crossing!"

"Is she...? She doesn't look very hurt," she murmured because Andrea seemed dazed but conscious.

"Yes. I don't know... but they're on their way..."

"Thank God..."

She looked into her son's frightened eyes and held his hand reassuringly.

"It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's just bad luck. She will be fine."

Zack said nothing. He stayed silent as the ambulance arrived, and the paramedics moved him aside to attend
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