CHAPTER 65. A lawsuit

CHAPTER 65. A lawsuit

Andrea's heart was pounding as if it were going to leap out of her chest.

"How... how did he leave, Ben...? Why?"

She tried to find a reason in her head, but it seemed impossible. Had he really left? Had he abandoned her? How...? Why...?

"Do you... do you have any idea why he left?" she asked, tears filling her eyes and her voice choked by the lump in her throat.

Ben frowned, worried. He would have preferred not to answer that question, but it was inevitable.

"I don't know," he confessed. "He just got on the plane and left. Did something happen between you two?"

Andrea couldn't hold back her tears as she shook her head. She felt helpless, hurt, and disappointed.

"No... I have no idea what... what could have happened. I didn't think Zack was that kind of person."

"And he's not. He didn't say anything to me, but I assure you he's not a bad person!"

Andrea nodded, though she was very frustrated. She couldn't understand how someone so important in her life could disa
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