CHAPTER 64. Where is Zack?

CHAPTER 64. Where is Zack?

All afternoon, Andrea felt uneasy, as if a bad omen loomed over her, and the moment she heard a knock on her door, she rushed to open it. She hoped Zack had come to see them, but the person at her door at nine o'clock that night was, once again, not who she expected.

"Wasn't I clear yesterday?!" she hissed, glaring at Mason. "Didn't I say it in the right language? I don't want you near me!"

"Calm down, Andy," he smiled as if her aggression meant nothing. "I just came to see if you paid off the hospital debt."

"Of course I paid it, and not thanks to you!" she spat.

"I see... I suppose I should thank your boss for clearing the way for me," he hissed. "Anyway, now that particular matter is settled, let's talk about us. I just bought a house in a nice area of the city, so I came to take you both there."

Andrea looked at him as if he had grown another head.

"Are you an idiot, or are you pretending?" she shot back. "I'm not going back with you, Mason! The divorce
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