CHAPTER 56. ¿Andy?

CHAPTER 56. ¿Andy?

Andrea took a deep breath, and Zack felt her make a tentative move to reach his mouth. Their lips met in a spiral of exhaustion, desire, and a longing to forget, and he growled as he pressed her wet body against his, making her arch and mold herself to his chest.

For a moment, everything else was forgotten, and it was just them in that bathtub, as the heat grew with each passing second and Zack felt a fierce erection awaken in him.

She clung to his neck and kissed his chin, shoulders, nipping at his collarbone and rubbing her nose against his tattoos.

"You make me want to devour you," she whispered, overcome by desire.

Zack growled through gritted teeth, pulling her away just to see her, to admire that wild beauty and make her his own.

"In two seconds, you will be," he warned, feeling himself get aroused just by looking at her.

Immediately, the water turned hot. Zack sat her on his lap and held her tightly while he played with her body as if it were uncharted territ
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