CHAPTER 55.  A trust fund

CHAPTER 55. A trust fund

—What did my father leave Adriana?

Those were the first words out of Zack’s mouth when he arrived home and found his mother. They were all in the living room playing with the baby, except for Mr. Nikola, who was napping in his room.

Luana frowned as she watched him stride through the room with a determined step, his willpower evident in every move.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"I’m talking about my father, or more specifically, my father’s will!" Zack exclaimed. "He left something for Adriana, didn’t he?"

Luana looked at him with eyes that conveyed calm but also concern. She remained silent for a few moments, as if weighing her response, and his siblings felt the tension in the air.

"Don’t lie to me... I know Dad left something. What was it?"

Finally, his mother spoke.

"A trust fund. One she can access when she turns eighteen. How did you find out?"

"Because that’s what’s driving Chiara and Noémi crazy!" he replied, and his mother was stunned.

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