CHAPTER 54. A Final Warning

CHAPTER 54. A Final Warning

Giselle’s face twisted with fury as she cornered Andrea.

"And you think that just because of that, you have a clear path to Zack?" she demanded immediately. "He was seriously committed to me, so why don’t you just disappear from his life?"

Andrea froze at those words. She knew Zack had a serious relationship with her, but she didn’t know he was engaged to Giselle. Finally, she took a deep breath and shrugged.

"I don’t care if he was engaged to you or the Pope of Rome," she said firmly. "What Zack does is his decision, and I respect that. If you want him to stay away from me, go and tell him."

She walked past her and left the bathroom, but she hadn’t walked ten steps when Giselle’s slender body blocked her path. She approached Andrea with a smile on her lips, but Andrea was not in the mood for games.

"What do you want?" she asked, tired.

"One last warning: Zack isn’t the type to stick around," Giselle said with contempt. "Soon he’ll get bored and move on to
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