CHAPTER 53. ‘Between’

CHAPTER 53. ‘Between’

Zack woke up with the warmth of Andrea's body next to him. The room was still dark, with the early morning light yet to seep through the thin curtains. He felt her stir and, for a few moments, simply enjoyed having her with him. They were lying down, Zack's arm draped over Andrea's body and their legs entwined.

He couldn't begin to describe how good it felt to be there with her. She looked beautiful with her hair spread out over the pillow and that tired, satisfied expression on her face.

Gradually, he watched the sunrise through the window and heard her purr. He leaned over and left a gentle kiss on her lips, which made her open her eyes.

Andrea tried to organize her thoughts. The events of the previous night seemed distant, as if they had happened in a dream. So instead of racking her brain over what would happen next, she decided to put on her best smile and embrace what had happened between them. After all, letting herself go didn't mean she wasn't grounded.

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