CHAPTER 58. Make it serious

CHAPTER 58. Make it serious

"And what happened?"

"Everything was perfect until the last day before the birth... Mason had been restless the past few weeks, but so had I. I thought it was normal," Andrea recalled. "When the baby came, Mason took me to the ER..." She paused for a moment as if it was hard to continue, and Zack knew the worst was yet to come. "Adriana arrived prematurely, and the delivery was complicated. After what seemed like many hours, they finally took me to the OR for an emergency C-section. Adriana was born healthy, but I didn't recover as easily... I was in a coma for several days and when I woke up, Mason wasn't with me. A nurse said that after dropping me off at the ER, he never came back. Mason abandoned me at the hospital... but that wasn't the worst part."

Zack listened intently to the story while clenching his fists. He was devastated for her, felt all her pain, but had no words to console her.

"When I went back home with my newborn daughter in my arms, I fo
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