CHAPTER 59. Very bad things

CHAPTER 59. Very bad things

Andrea felt a tingling in the palms of her hands that made her tremble. Half of her wanted to believe it, and the other half did not.

“Ask me in January,” she murmured, and Zack frowned.

“January...? Why January?” he asked.

“Because that’s when we’ll be back to our own realities, Zack,” she replied. “Christmas is magical, but it’s not eternal; it can't last a thousand days, so... in January, when we return to our lives, ask me again if I want to be your girlfriend.”

Zack smiled softly at her. She was very distrustful, but after everything she had been through, he couldn’t blame her.

“In January...” he said, hugging her, and their lips met in a kiss full of promises.

“Time for gifts!” they heard her mother say, and Andrea's eyes widened.

“The twins’ gifts are ready,” she said, and they both ran out.

Chiara and Noemi were already in heaven, seeing that their gifts were the biggest ones under the tree.

“Wait!” Zack warned, handing them a piece of wood meant fo
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