CHAPTER 61. Tomorrow

CHAPTER 61. Tomorrow

Andrea had no words to describe those days. They often went home to see Adriana, but it seemed like the baby was delighted with Zack’s parents. The cabin was perfect in every way, and what was supposed to be two days extended to almost the whole week.

Each day, Zack and Andrea went out together to different places to explore. They talked about the world around them, family, their dreams and aspirations, about anything that wasn’t painful, and above all, they tried not to talk about their future together.

Every night, they sat together on the terrace to watch the stars, embraced, and stayed there until one of them dragged the other inside, where they made love with as much passion as if it were the first time.

In those moments, Andrea felt she had found something special. Zack not only made her feel desired but also safe and protected. When they were together, she couldn’t help but think about how incredibly lucky she was to have someone like him in her life.

But f
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