CHAPTER 30. Little Thor and Sweetie

CHAPTER 30. Little Thor and Sweetie

Zack wanted the ground to swallow him up. He had no idea when his sister had met Giselle or if that was even true. But if it was, it must have been in the past year when they were already separated. His hand unconsciously tightened around Andrea's, and she knew something was very wrong.

“Well, if you met Giselle,” he said sharply, “then I don’t understand why you're putting on this act because you know perfectly well that the woman beside me is not her. Giselle and I separated a long time ago. This is Andrea, my girlfriend, so come say hello properly or save the theatrics.”

“Alright, little brother, don’t get upset,” Noémi said dismissively. “You must understand that you were with Giselle for years. When you told Dad, 'My girlfriend is pregnant,' we all assumed you were talking about Giselle.”

Andrea remembered Zack’s words like a punch: "If life were fair, I’d have a wife and a baby." So whatever had happened, it was clear it had been very difficul
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