CHAPTER 29. A Family Welcome

CHAPTER 29. A Family Welcome

"You still shouldn't have done it," she said. "I don’t see the point in proving those witches wrong now. Or do you think they won’t know in January? What are you going to do? Transfer me to a different branch?"

"That wouldn’t be a bad idea," he replied. "Ben will be in charge here, but I have to go back to the United States. If you’re up for expanding your horizons, you’re welcome to come with me."

Andrea crossed her arms and sighed in resignation. He was a good man, but his dominant nature could be exasperating at times.

"I better get to work."

"Yeah, make the most of it because we only have two more days," he warned her.

And indeed, two days later Zack refused to let her go to work and spent the time telling her almost everything about his family. He didn’t bother to mention Giselle because, truthfully, his family had never met her. Zack wasn’t sure why, but it seemed that whenever there was an opportunity for them to meet, she always had some important
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