CHAPTER 31. Baking!

CHAPTER 31. Baking!

"I'm so sorry, it's obvious that was really important to you."

"I should have told you before, but... the truth is, no one in my family ever met Giselle. I didn't think my sister would bring her up," he murmured.

"Yeah, you should have told me. Now I look like a homewrecker, but at least I'll be a very sweet homewrecker," she replied, and Zack lifted his head to look into her eyes.

"If my sisters came here to make trouble, it's only going to get worse," he said. "Maybe it’s better if we stay at a hotel, or a cabin..."

"Absolutely not!" declared Andrea. "We came here so you could have a beautiful Christmas with your father, and if your sisters get difficult, that's on them. What's the worst they can do?"

Zack sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "I have no idea, but they'll come up with something," he murmured helplessly. "And by the way, what was that 'Little Thor' thing?"

Andrea let out a laugh and smiled mischievously. "You said I should give you a cute nickname, an
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