CHAPTER 32. Christmas spirit

CHAPTER 32. Christmas spirit

Zack was caught up in the Christmas spirit, and although some thought they were too old for these games, no one dared contradict Mrs. Luana. They scattered around the mansion's kitchens, and Zack raided the sweets pantry.

Adriana was more than happy in Mr. Nikola's arms, who pampered her like a princess. Soon after, Andrea was pounding the dough.

“Everything okay?” Zack asked as he approached her. “No, wait, that's too much dough, and if you add too much flour, it will be too tough...”

“That's what I want.”

“But then no one will want to eat it,” Zack replied.

“Trust me, when I'm done with this house, no one will want to eat it,” she declared. “Besides, your mom said the prettiest house, not the tastiest.”

Zack pointed a finger at her and laughed. “You’re a cheater! I like it! Need help?”

“Actually, yes, the dough is heavy, and my fingers hurt,” she said, pouting.

Zack rolled up his sweater sleeves and stood behind her, putting his fingers into the dough to
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