CHAPTER 37. A ruined dinner

CHAPTER 37. A ruined dinner

Zack was speechless for a few moments, unsure of what to say. There was something pure and beautiful in her eyes that made his heart pound in his chest.

They spent the rest of the day together and returned home as the sun was setting because the family was expecting them for dinner.

Andrea was still nervous. Zack's parents were very nice, but she couldn't say the same about his sisters. Neither Noémi nor Chara missed an opportunity to make her feel like an intruder. Chiara, especially, had been eyeing her with suspicion since they arrived.

But despite his sisters' evident discomfort, Zack was determined to make the dinner a success...

And dinner was a disaster!

Chiara kept questioning Andrea about how they met, why they hadn't visited the family before, and if she had met Zack's other girlfriends. Andrea was content to make her feel uncomfortable and avoid her questions until Chiara made the mistake of asking about her daughter.

"Healthy and happy, as you c
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