CHAPTER 36. An incredible kiss

CHAPTER 36. An incredible kiss

"Hey, what do you think if I actually take you skiing today?" Zack asked conspiratorially while pouring her coffee.

"Do you really want to see me roll down the mountain?" she retorted.

"No, but if we stay away from the house, we're less likely to be bothered and questioned. What do you say?" Zack asked.

"Well, it's fine with me, but are we going to be away from Adriana all day?"

"Face it, my dad's not going to let you have her," Zack smiled, and Andrea saw how happy the baby was with Mr. Nikola and Mrs. Luana.

"Okay, let's go then."

They had breakfast with the family, and of course, when Zack asked his parents if they could take care of the baby, they eagerly agreed.

"Oh, by the way! What’s our prize for the gingerbread house?" Zack asked his father, who clapped his hands twice.

"Alright! After much deliberation, your mother and I have decided to give you... your honeymoon!" he exclaimed excitedly, and Andrea and Zack froze, their smiles plastered on the
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