CHAPTER 35. Little Thor's Morning Hammer

CHAPTER 35. Little Thor's Morning Hammer

Andrea and Zack looked at each other for a second, and he shrugged.

"No problem, I’ll sleep on the floor."

The closet was full of blankets, but having Adriana sleeping in that princess crib and her in an empress bed while Zack slept on a blanket on the floor seemed like the worst idea in the world to Andrea.

"Come on, let's not exaggerate. We can share the bed," she said maturely. "We're adults, and neither of us bites."

"Speak for yourself," Zack replied, and Andrea shoved his shoulder.

"Very funny!"

After all the day's activities, Adriana fell asleep immediately, and by the time Andrea came out of the bathroom in her cloud-print pajamas, Zack was already lying on the right side of the bed.

It had to be acknowledged that it wasn't a small bed, but for a man the size of Zack, it looked like a toy.

There was enough space for the two of them, but not much more.

Andrea got into bed and lay on her back, staring at the ceiling. She tried to relax, b
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