CHAPTER 26. Shirt off

CHAPTER 26. Shirt off

Andrea didn't say a word as they headed to Zack's apartment. The baby had calmed down a little, but they hadn’t.

“Okay, we’ve got the medicines, the formula, and the baby... and our nerves!” Zack muttered as soon as they arrived.

He opened the door to his apartment, and Andrea tried not to be surprised, but just the living room of Zack’s place was three times the size of her entire little apartment.

They gave the baby a bath, and Zack decided to leave diaper duty for another day, as it was obvious the child wasn’t feeling well. She wasn’t crying or vomiting anymore, but she didn’t want to sleep; she just wanted to be held.

By three in the morning, they were both like zombies, completely exhausted, but Adriana wouldn’t sleep, just dozing off a bit and then whining as soon as they tried to lay her down.

Zack went to take a shower to wake up, and when he tried to rock Adriana to let Andrea shower, the baby refused completely.

“Come on, princess! I love you, let momm
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