CHAPTER 27.  The Boss's Unacknowledged Mistress

CHAPTER 27. The Boss's Unacknowledged Mistress

“Andrea, I’m very glad that Adriana and you have someone to take care of you, because I think I won’t be around much longer,” the old lady told her.

“Don’t say that, Mrs. Wilson. I assure you that you’ll be discharged very soon,” Andrea murmured, her heart heavy.

“Either way, I won’t be returning to the apartment, dear. A kind social worker came by, and I think I’m going to accept that offer I declined a few years ago. I’m moving to a senior residence.”

Andrea’s eyes filled with tears, and Zack could see how hard she was struggling with that decision, but in the end, she had no choice but to say goodbye.

“I promise we’ll visit you very often, Mrs. Wilson,” she said. “You’ll see that you’ll feel very good being around other elderly people.”

As they left, Zack saw her wipe away her tears, hugging her daughter as if she were her only defense against sadness.

“You two are very close, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Well... the day I came home and fo
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