CHAPTER 25. First-Time Parents

CHAPTER 25. First-Time Parents

Zack huffed in frustration, but when Ben put it that way, it really did seem incredibly stupid.

"So I screwed up," he murmured.

"Monumentally, like I said. Especially because you attacked her for not reacting the way you wanted. That wasn't right."

Zack pressed his lips into a grimace. "Damn it! Now I have to apologize even to my fake girlfriend. Guess I should get some flowers or something..."

"She's not your real girlfriend, idiot," Ben muttered. "Get some food instead."

Zack took a deep breath before leaving, went to his apartment, and took a shower to clear his head. Then he called Andrea.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," were his first words. "I just want the best for you, you know that. It bothers me that people who don't know you talk bad about you, but if you decide that..."

"Sorry, Zack, but I can't talk right now!" Andrea interrupted him, and he noticed the baby's cries in the background.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, concerned.

"No... I don't
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